Truro - Cape Cod

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Bill is an artist specializing in the Provincetown Print. He also teaches, providing lectures, workshops, art appraisals and private instruction, visit In addition, Bill is an acoustic bass musician, often performing with "Willie and the Po' Boys" on the Lower Cape and Boston. He plays guitar and trumpet as well. Below is Bill jamming with friends in the music room.

The Moorlands Inn is Skipper's passion, originally built by her ancestor, Captain Atkins Hughes. She has spent many hours returning it to it's original Victorian splendor. Skipper is also a wearable art designer, an avid antiques collector.

11 Hughes Rd, Truro, MA
phone: 508- 487-0663
map / details   

Truro Cape Cod News Last Updated at 4:30 PM EST
Next Truro Cape News Update at 6:30 PM EST